Neoplasm Reversal & Normalization

During our clinical work, we developed a special interest in rethinking and developing non destructive treatments for cancerous growths (neoplasms). We have reported CAT scan, endoscopy and physical examination, confirmed cases of partial and complete reversal (disappearance) of multiple types of neoplasms, without any concurrent conventional oncological treatments given—no surgery, chemotherapy, nor radiotherapy. Several of these clinical case studies are international peer review journal published.

A neoplasm is defined as an abnormal tissue mass that can be benign (not cancerous), or malignant (cancerous); also called a tumor.

We do not offer or provide clinical or non clinical treatment or health services to patients with a diagnosis of cancer disease or any illness diagnosed as terminal.

Our experiences

Over the last few years, we have documented confirmed reversals of cancerous neoplasms. We have reported successful clinical case studies peer-review published [1][2] in an international medical-scientific journal having an Editorial Board that includes Nobel Laureate scientists, and some presented at international medical-scientific conferences held in the USA, documenting radiographically, endoscopy and physical examination confirmed* complete disappearance of both primary and secondary (metastases) cancerous neoplasms, which were initially diagnosed by standard radiology/histology* within hospitals in the State of Victoria, Australia, that occurred during and as a result of the period of our monitoring and care, without any concurrent conventional oncology treatment given during that time, and including some of these outcomes following on from previous, conventionally documented* extended disease progression.

*Confirmed by the corresponding hospital oncology and radiology studies and reports. This asterisked note is added for ease of reading of the above statement.

Illustrative clinical case studies:

Full clinical case study #1

Full clinical case study #2

Full clinical case study #3

Full clinical case study #4

Full clinical case study #5

cure for cancer, alternative cancer treatment, natural cancer treatment

Vocal cord squamous cell carcinoma (a throat cancer): Major reversal & tissue normalization.






cure for cancer, alternative cancer treatment, natural cancer treatment

Oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (a mouth cancer): Complete reversal and disappearance.


cure for cancer, alternative cancer treatment, natural cancer treatment

Multiple liver metastases (secondary cancers): Complete disappearance.


Malignant melanoma (skin cancer): Major reversal & tissue normalization

Malignant melanoma (a skin cancer): Major reversal and tissue normalization.


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