Who we are

We are a practice clinic and a research facility.

Director of clinic and research: Richard Malter Research Projects

Richard is the inventor of granted and granted and patent pending Australian patents and the major inventor of international pending patent applications for new electromedical technology, devices and clinical applications. The development of some of these new electromedical devices has been supported and funded (2020-2021) by the Australian Government’s Medical Device Partnering Program in Victoria. Clinical applications of these new technologies include non invasive infection treatments without drugs, advanced wound healing treatments, new treatments for pain conditions, and injured neural tissue regeneration and scar tissue reversal in both peripheral and central nervous systems.

Richard’s background in relation to the Electromedicine Clinic began about 20 years ago when he developed a focus on electro-acupuncture and electro-therapeutics. His clinical and research work led to his attendance and later presentations [Malter et al 2006-2013] at the (international symposiums of the) International College of Acupuncture & Electrotherapeutics, USA, [New York State Boards for Medicine and Dentistry accredited Continuing Medical Education].

Senior Medical Advisor: James Woessner MD PhD Vita Publications

Dr. Woessner was born and raised on a farm, with an agriculture Bachelor’s Degree and subsequent coursework in permaculture, is a lifetime athlete (record holder and world championships) and a perpetual student (approximately 35 years of courses and training) with a medical specialty in physical medicine and rehabilitation. His medical career and interests are widely varied and encompass areas of pain, disability and medical legalwhich requires studying and reviewing material and records from all areas of medicine. From a young age, he has been exposed and utilized many areas of folk medicine (nutrition and home remedies), which includes much of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine). Many consider him a pioneer in electromedicine, which has naturally evolved into consideration and expertise in energy medicine. While also raising his grandson, he would like to share his extensive health and medical background and life experiences.

Assistant Clinical Practitioner: Alan Loader BHSc (Naturopathy).

Second Clinical Practitioner and Research Associate: Helen Tyrrell BHSc (Physiotherapy).

Practice Manager and Administration: Leanne Frawley.


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