Comprehensive Science-Based Resource

One of the best scientific presentations available, in easy (short videos) form, is in partnership with Michael Greger MD (USA).  Just type in almost any dietary subject/topic in the Search bar on his website for up to date, scientific (journal article referenced) information.

Given that Western society continues to see increased obesity and other “diseases of affluence” such as Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease and certain forms of cancer, much of that [the] money [spent on health products of all kinds] is being wasted . . . a significant part of the problem is that individuals who want to make the correct nutritional choices for themselves and their families are faced with a deluge of confusing and conflicting nutritional advice.  The goal of this website is to present you with the results of the latest in nutrition and health research, presented in a way that is easy to understand.

Dr. Greger is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues.  A founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. Currently he serves as the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States. Dr. Greger is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine.